
About me and this Blog

I am a 12th grade student and this Blog was created in my English class in the International School of SHAPE; German Section. This is a place where I will post my tasks and thoughts around Brave New World and our world today. I would appreciate if you would comment my writings. But first of all you have to read them so I do not want to keep you away from it: Have Fun, or whatever you might feel whilst reading ;)

Would you prefer stability (like in BNW) , our world today or Anarchy?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Consumption ( in Brave New World )

Referring to my previous post I want to sum up how Aldous Huxley solved the problem in his novel.

At first the human leaders created the World State and were able to overcome all the international struggles and passed global laws.
The second idea was to bring everyone to work, which is also a basis for stability (see following post). To achieve this goal they produce humans by 'schedule' so that there are only as many humans as there are needed.

Then to keep the market alive people are to consume as much as possible and educated this way.
They hate whatever keeps them from consuming much: books (things of intellect or history), solitary avtivities in general or mending things.

This way the circle of consuming and work becomes unbreakable. A perfect and stable society for a
Brave New World!
And is that not what we wished for our own world economy??

Think about it and take part in the poll! Thank You!

'So long as there are men, there will be wars.'
-Albert Einstein

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